10 Books That Will Change Your Life in 2022

Abhishek Chandra Malhotra
7 min readMay 14, 2022


New year New Month New you. But how do we stick to the resolutions we make and how do we go about implementing the changes we want to see? It’s truly incredible how books can change your perspective on life. They can expand your mind and help you acquire new knowledge. Books also just give you time out from the fast-paced world we live in and allow us time to wind down and relax.

Reading other people’s stories can actually help us understand that the goal is not to live like someone else. The goal is to be 100 per cent yourself and create your own path. So kick back, allow yourself some ‘me-time’ and pick up one of our 7 books to change your life today.

1. The Alchemist

Life is an adventure and we all have dreams we would like to fulfill. So in this book, we ask the age-old question… How do we really pursue our dreams? And Paulo Coelho has the answers. The Alchemist teaches us how to deal with the obstacles that will arise in our lives, and inspires us to channel our ambition and courage and keep to the path of what we value the most.

Author: Paulo Coelho
Publisher: Harper One

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2. The Power of Your Subconscious Mind

The Power of Your Subconscious Mind is one of the most promising self improvement books that you can gift to yourself or your loved ones. This book is designed to help you improve your relationships, health,

and also to give you an internal strength that makes every hurdle look small. The book brings together best of both the worlds — scientific research as well as spiritual wisdom. It used the combined ideas to explain how our subconscious mind has the power to change our lives. The book explains how by understanding and learning to control our subconscious mind, we can welcome a world of prosperity, happiness and success. This book will act as a guide and help you understand the depth of your subconscious, get rid of fears and attract what you desire simply by changing your beliefs. Having sold millions of copies, this book and its ideas have changed the lives of many all over the world.

Author: C. James Jensen, Joseph Murphy
Publisher: Atria Books/Beyond Words

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This thought-provoking #1 bestseller, about humankind completely changes your perspective on life. Exploring how biology and history have defined the human race and delving deep into our understanding of what it means to be human. Sapiens explores creation and evolution like no other book and helps us understand the journeys we go on and the problems we face and how to overcome them with pride and integrity.

Author: Yuval Noah Harari
Publisher: Vintage Arrow
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4. Can’t Hurt Me

A brave survivor of childhood abuse and poverty, David Goggins has had his fair share of upheaval. But he pushed through the obstacles that life put in his way and became a member of the U.S. Army. Can’t Hurt Me is the story of Goggins’ journey out of the darkness and a heartwarming tale of how humans can tap into their inner power and preserve through the darkest days. An uplifting and thought-provoking read.

Author: David Goggins
Publisher: Lioncrest Publishing
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5. This Is Going To Hurt – Secret Diaries Of A Junior Doctor

During his six years as a junior doctor, Adam Kay documented his experiences on the wards into a hardback journal, and the result is utterly incredible. This Is Going To Hurt paints a true picture of the harrowing and, at times, painfully funny experiences as he made his way up the career ladder in his chosen profession. A well written and hilarious insight, behind the scenes of the chaotic life of a junior doctor – one not to be missed!

Author: Adam Kay
Publisher: Picador
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6.Think and Grow Rich

Based on the research of over 40 millionaires, this incredible book was published during the great depression, but stands the test of time and is still completely relatable in the modern day. The focus here is on personal development and how the psychological power of thought can contribute to increased wealth and pave the way to success. One of the most inspirational books in our lifetimes, and it will definitely leave you wanting to change the world.

Author: Napoleon Hill
Publisher: Vermilion
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7. How to Win Friends and Influence People

Born into poverty on a small farm in Missouri, Dale Carnegie built a successful career as a traveling salesman before becoming one of the modern days best self help guru’s and prolific author. First published in 1996, How To Win Friends And Influence People has become an iconic bestseller, helping us achieve important life goals, discover new ambitions, and basically, get things done, and done well. If you haven’t read this book, stop everything you are doing and get yourself a copy immediately. It will change your life.

Author: Dale Carnegie
Publisher: Harper Collins
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8. Atomic Habits

Struggling with a habit you just can’t break? Atomic Habits follows the advice of habit-formation expert James Clear, offering practical strategies on creating good habits and how to break your not so good ones.

Author: James Clear
Publisher: Century
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9. Brain Wash

Detox Your Mind for Clearer Thinking, Deeper Relationships, and Lasting Happiness

Contemporary life provides us with infinite opportunities, along with endless temptations. We can eat whatever we want, whenever we want. We can immerse ourselves in the vast, enticing world of digital media. We can buy goods and services with the touch of a button or the swipe of a finger. But living in this 24/7 hyper-reality poses serious risks to our physical and mental states, our connections to others and even to the world at large.

Brain Wash builds from a simple premise: Our brains are being gravely manipulated, resulting in behaviours that leave us more lonely, anxious, depressed, distrustful, illness-prone and overweight than ever before. Based on the latest science, the book identifies the mental hijacking that undermines each and every one of us and presents the tools necessary to think more clearly, make better decisions, strengthen bonds with others and develop healthier habits. Featuring a 10-day boot camp program, including a meal plan and 40 delicious recipes, Brain Wash is the key to cultivating a more purposeful and fulfilling life.

Author: DavidPerlmutter, MD

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10. The Magic of Thinking Big

More than 6 million readers around the world have improved their lives by reading The Magic of Thinking Big. First published in 1959, David J Schwartz’s classic teachings are as powerful today as they were then. Practical, empowering and hugely engaging, this book will not only inspire you, it will give you the tools to change your life for the better — starting from now. His step-by-step approach will show you how to: — Defeat disbelief and the negative power it creates- Make your mind produce positive thoughts- Plan a concrete success-building programme- Do more and do it better by turning on your creative power- Capitalise on the power of NOWUpdated for the 21st century, this is your go-to guide to a better life, starting with the way you think.

Pi‎ Vermilion; Latest edition

Published by @Abhishek Chandra Malhotra .



Abhishek Chandra Malhotra

Fashion Blogger | Motivation | Travel Enthusiast | Fitness Addict | Spreading Love & Positivity