My Best Friend The Soul

Abhishek Chandra Malhotra
3 min readJul 8, 2023

This soul hates everyone but loves one person :

Short story

Once upon a time, in a bustling city, there lived a soul unlike any other. This soul was known as avika, and he possessed a unique trait. While most souls radiated love and kindness towards everyone they encountered, Avika harbored a different sentiment. Avika you see, had an intense dislike for everyone around him, except for one person—his best friend, Rashita.

Avika and Rashita had been inseparable since childhood. They shared an unbreakable bond that seemed to transcend the ordinary. They

understood each other’s hopes, dreams, and fears like no one else could. Rashita unwavering friendship had touched Avika heart in a profound way, and he cherished her above all else.

In their vibrant city, Avika would watch people pass by, wearing masks of indifference or lost in their own worlds. He found it challenging to connect with anyone else. Their words felt hollow, their actions superficial. But when he was with Rashita, everything changed. She had a magical way of making him feel seen, understood, and loved for who he truly was.

Avika disdain for others didn’t stem from malice or cruelty. It was born out of a sense of disappointment, an expectation that people would never truly understand him. He felt invisible, lost amidst a sea of strangers. However, Rashita presence shone like a beacon, illuminating his world and reminding him that genuine connections were possible.

Their bond continued to grow stronger with each passing day. Avika heart overflowed with affection for Rashita and he couldn’t fathom a life without her. They shared countless adventures, exploring the city’s hidden corners, chasing dreams, and supporting each other through thick and thin.

As time went on,Rashita infectious love and compassion began to work their magic on Avika. Through her eyes, he started to see glimmers of goodness in others. He began to realize that people were complex beings, and their flaws often hid vulnerabilities and struggles. Avika discovered that opening his heart, even just a little, could lead to unexpected connections and understanding.

Avika transformation didn’t happen overnight, but with Rashita unwavering friendship, he embarked on a journey of growth and empathy. Slowly, he started to let go of his deep-seated animosity and learned to embrace the inherent worth and potential in every soul he encountered.

Avika newfound perspective not only enriched his own life but also had a profound impact on those around him. His genuine interest and compassion touched the hearts of others, leaving a lasting impression. People began to see beyond his initial aloofness and recognized the kind soul that had been hiding behind the facade.

And so, Avika story serves as a reminder that even a soul consumed by disdain can be transformed by the power of love and friendship. It teaches us that sometimes, all it takes is one person, like Avika, to believe in us and show us the path to compassion and understanding.



Abhishek Chandra Malhotra

Fashion Blogger | Motivation | Travel Enthusiast | Fitness Addict | Spreading Love & Positivity