The guide below features 12 ideas to help you shine a light

Abhishek Chandra Malhotra
4 min readSep 24, 2022

Engage In Self-Love!

When you feel great about yourself, it becomes so much easier to share the love outwards! Check out this list of self-esteem exercises for inspiration.

If you’re looking for ways to spread positivity, you’re in the right place.

The guide below features 12 ideas to help you shine a light on someone’s day.

As a certified life coach, I’m often tasked with helping my clients develop a more positive outlook. That’s why I’m excited to share this post with you.

So, let’s dive in!

What Does Spreading Positivity Mean?

Emotions are contagious. We humans can feel other people’s energy and begin to experience it in our own bodies. So, by performing positive actions, we can spread positivity throughout other people’s lives. Imagine what the world would look like if we all did this on a daily basis.

Why Is Spreading Positivity Important?

Life can be challenging and exhausting at the best of times. However, by picking up on other people’s positivity and sharing that with those around us, we can all contribute to make the world a happier place.

1. Smile!

A smile is the universal sign of trust, happiness and friendship. Remember, emotions are contagious. That’s why they say: “Smile and the whole world smiles with you.”

2. Compliments

A simple compliment can make someone’s day. Put some thought into a unique and meaningful compliment and that person might never forget it!

3. Ask Someone How They’re Doing

When you look deep into someone’s eyes and ask ‘How Are You?’ with true sincerity, this can mean a lot. They’ll see it’s not a token gesture, but that you actually care how they’re getting on. Follow up with additional questions to prove that you do actually care.

4. Check In With A Buddy

Find the time to reach out to a buddy. This simple act of kindness is free and requires little effort, yet it’s a great way to show you care.

5. Stay Open-Minded

Our egos like to tell us we’re always right, and everyone else is wrong. However, this attitude is generally unhelpful. If we can find a way to be open-minded about other people’s decisions, it can help to spread positivity across the world.

6. Help Someone Out

You can make the world a slightly easier place just by holding the door open, helping an elderly woman across the road or helping to carry something heavy. These small gestures add up.

7. Express Sincere Gratitude

By expressing gratitude when someone helps us out, that person feels good about their deed and is hopefully inspired to continue being helpful. Thus, the cycle of positivity continues. Check out this list of daily gratitude exercises too.

8. Listen

It’s rare that someone truly listens to our problems. The majority of people are too caught up in their own stresses.

So, if you can take the time to actually listen and care about someone’s problems, the world becomes a more positive and caring place

9. Remember Small Details

Another small gesture, which can be tremendously uplifting to other people. Let’s say someone told you they had a big exam coming up in the next few days. Just by asking how they think they got on afterwards, this shows you were listening in that moment and actually care about them!

10. Put Things Into Perspective

Yes, negative things happen to everyone. But our minds do tend to exaggerate the impact of misfortune. By logically putting your problems — and those of your friends — into perspective, it can help create a more positive outlook in everyone’s heads.

11. Play Uplifting Music

Music can have a tremendous impact on our thoughts and feelings. In fact, the right song can completely transform our mood.

See for yourself by blasting some feel-good anthems in your headphones or personal sound system.

If you are going to blast music in public, go with something that’s universally loved, rather than a niche genre.

I’d recommend cheesy pop music or Disney songs! Even though a lot of people are embarrassed to admit it, this genre puts a smile on most faces.

12. Don’t Engage With Negativity

The best thing you can do to prevent the spread of negative energy is not to engage with it. This holds true online and in real life.

In real life, toxic energy feeds off more toxicity. If you have to respond in that moment, do so with an act of kindness.

Meanwhile, when someone clicks the link or comments on negative articles, the publisher sees that it’s popular, then has a motive to pump out more of the same.

So, try and give zero time to negative clickbait. Engage with positive media only. That’s the best way to let publishers know you only want to see positive things in your news feed.



Abhishek Chandra Malhotra

Fashion Blogger | Motivation | Travel Enthusiast | Fitness Addict | Spreading Love & Positivity